albums I have love'd (Not comperehensive)

Pink Album, TMBG

The best album in the world

fav songz: all of them

Elevem eleven, mammalfriend

awesome furry music. mammalfriend 4evar

fav songz: penny, mayor, satan, lady, marry me, Greensboro, winter

More songs abt buildings and food, Talking heads

I love this album so gaddam much. endlessy funky, bryne voice is beautiful. the only song abt buildings and food is at the end though.

fav songz:all of them, especially all of them

CHASER, femtaynl

i listened to this over and over years after year I love it

fav songz; all of them, push yr t3mprr, katamari

Mystrey Flavor, Stevie Dinner

I have listened to a lifetime's worth of Mystrey Flavor. coo-ca-cool-cool

fav songz;all of them, customer service, teenage mutants, headphones

Patè D'Animo, Claudio Bisio & various

mind-boggling italian album, sounds like a YTMPV . who is this Sig. Bisio?

fav songz: alfonso 2000, Think, pinnie, LA DROGA FA MALE

Media I have made!(gifts at the end!)

photography? documenting concerts?